Dynamic e-books are the future of the book industry

· book publisher

Knock! Knock!

Hellooow!!! This is a wake-up call.

 Wake up! See around yourself and you’ll realize that you are in a fast-paced world. Ways are changing! Really fast…

There’s a lot going on between Covid-19, market slump and lock down. Despite these, we can still find a way out. We can turn adversities into opportunities.

Youngsters and oldies are getting back to reading. Yeah!!! Reading a lot. Due to the ample time on hand, facilitated by the pandemic; the statistics indicate a rise in the number of books bought. Thanks to Covid-19. (I wouldn’t ever want it to happen again.) Nevertheless, one should try to make the best out of any situation.

You must be wondering; when basic stuff, such as food was difficult to procure, how could one manage to buy books? E-books were the solution, my dear. Reading e-books have accelerated. And so did the number of readers; both young and more matured ones. The tech-savvy youth of today, who cared less about reading are impressed by e-books. The traditional readers who always read the paper paged books, also shifted to e-books, for their numerous benefits.

broken image

Would you like to understand, why e-books are more sought after, than the traditional books.

  • Advantage of space

: The whole library is squeezed into a tiny space.

  • Light weighted

: A few grams is the weight of thousands of reading stuff.

  • Ease of portability

: Readers can carry and read them anywhere.

  • Eco-friendly

: No cutting of trees required.

  • E-bookscost lesser
  • More flexible

: Font size, background etc. can be adjusted according to one’s own comfort.

  • More interesting

: 3D, audio & video illustrations makes e-books more interesting.

  • Immediate delivery

: At a click, they are available on Tabs, Kindle, laptop.

  • Facilitates authors with the option to write large volumes without worrying about the cost of 
  • Increased audience 

: Thus increased profits.

Hence you, my dear authors, should understand the needs of the new world and flow with the tide. Accept that e-books are the new reality. Would you still stick to only traditional paper books?